Now it is even easier to get on a first name basis with women film directors.
Go ahead: SEARCH through the 8948+ women film directors listed on the #DirectedbyWomen website!
Help expand this list of directors by filling out our Google Form!
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the #DirectedbyWomen Generosity Campaign so far. You have made it possible to add search capability to the list of women who have directed film.
We have so much more still to do:
- build in more functionality to the #DirectedbyWomen web resources
- expand the number of women film directors listed on the website and include more information about each of them to help film lovers discover them and fall madly in love with their work
- invite even more film lovers to participate in this September’s Worldwide Film Viewing Party
- bring awareness to women film directors through #VideoOfTheDay, 366 Days of Birthday Celebrations, #DirectedbyWomen Conversation Series, and so much more.
Back the campaign today!
Barbara Ann O’Leary
#DirectedbyWomen Catalyst