Crucial 21st Century Cinema #DirectedbyWomen

Crucial 21st Century Cinema Google Form

Want to participate in the #Crucial21DbW communal blogging initiative?
Fill out this Google form, but don’t wait for an email: join our Slack workspace.

365 posts (one each day)

Each participant contributes one and only one post (365 words or less) focused on a single work of Crucial 21st Century Cinema #DirectedbyWomen. Not a review… but a chance to share what they see as vibrant and alive in the work they’ve chosen to write about.

In 2019 the global #DirectedbyWomen initiative invites the world to turn its attention to work by women directors that premiered (or first aired) during the 21st century (January 1, 2001 – present). You’re invited to be part of mobilizing a #CinemaSeaChange as we shift perception within the global film community—awakening awareness and appreciation of motion picture work #DirectedbyWomen.

There’s a wealth of amazing work to choose from. Let’s help the world notice, explore and appreciate what women have directed so far this century.

CALL FOR BLOGGERS:  Throughout the year #DirectedbyWomen will open its blog to give filmmakers, film/TV critics/writers, cinema/festival programmers, and other cinema lovers a space to each share about one motion picture work by a woman (or women) they perceive as crucial—offering something important to the flow of cinema culture worldwide. These works—a film of any genre or length, a TV or web episode, video art, or other forms of motion picture content—may or may not have garnered awards from film festivals or other organizations. We are taking our attention off what the dominant film culture values and declaring our own priorities—one motion picture at a time.

I’d love to have enough engagement on this process to provide a blog post every day throughout 2019.  If you’d like to participate in this adventure, please reach out. Each blog post will be 365 words or less and focus on what the writer of the post considers CRUCIAL about the work chosen. This process is open to cross-posting, but the post must be fresh content created for this process.  Open to bi/multi-lingual contributions.

Each post will focus on a unique work (no repeats). The vision is to include work by as wide a range of women from around the world as possible. This will be driven to a large extent by the perceptions of those who step up to contribute to the project, so please extend this invitation to anyone you know whose take on 21st century cinema could help make this a truly invigorating, expansive process. For this project we will not be including work by mixed gender directing teams.

I hope this process will spark lively conversation throughout the global film community. In addition to stepping up to contribute a blog post for the project I hope you’ll also commit to sharing posts from the project via social media throughout the year and expand the conversation in other ways as well, including highlighting 21st century work during the 5th Annual #DirectedbyWomen Worldwide Film Viewing Party in September.

CALL FOR EDITORS: If you’d like to participate further in this project by serving on the editorial team, please reach out. Tasks would include helping to manage the publication calendar, identifying possible bloggers and inviting them to participate in the project, preparing blog posts for publication, and sharing about the project on social media. It would be great to have a handful of editors to spread the work load.

CALL FOR GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: If you’d like to participate further in this project by serving on the graphic design team, please reach out. Tasks would include creating web and social media images for the Crucial 21st Century Cinema #DirectedbyWomen project.

CALL FOR SOCIAL MEDIA ACTIVISTS: If you’d like to participate further in this project by serving on the social media activists team, please reach out. Tasks would include sharing Crucial 21st Century Cinema #DirectedbyWomen blog posts and cultivating joyous, lively engagement with the initiative on social media platforms that resonate with you.

I hope this initiative resonates with you. I look forward to hearing from you soon.  Here’s a link to the Google Form you can use to indicate how you’d like to be involved in the Crucial 21st Century Cinema #DirectedbyWomen initiative (#Crucial21DbW):

Note: This is a volunteer project. Your contributions to the #DirectedbyWomen #CinemaSeaChange are greatly appreciated.




Barbara Ann O’Leary
Catalyst, #DirectedbyWomen