Author: Keegan Connor Tracy
Keegan Connor Tracy is an award-winning actress best known for her ability to play a diverse range of characters – from the inscrutable Blue Fairy on ABC's hit show Once Upon a Time to her turn as troubled teacher Blair Watson, who wooed young Norman in Bates Motel, she continues to explore the spectrum as an actor. Always looking to broaden her horizons and tell the stories she loves she recently completed her directorial debut film The Girl/La Fille. She has spent several years in the Women in Film and TV mentorship program helping up-and-coming actors by sharing what she has learned in her 20+ years in the industry. Her children's book This is a job for Mommy! was released by Promontory Press in fall 2018 and she is working on her next project A Keegolicious Cookbook, bringing together the food and stories she loves.
Keegan lives and works in Vancouver – or wherever they send her next.